Emergency Dentist in North York To Handle Your Dental Emergencies

When a dental emergency strikes, it can be a stressful and painful experience. Whether it's a severe toothache, a broken tooth, or any other urgent dental issue, it's crucial to seek immediate care from an emergency dentist in North York. At Forest Manor Dental, we handle dental emergencies and provide prompt and effective solutions. Our team is equipped to handle a wide range of urgent dental situations, ensuring that your oral health is taken care of.

Services We Offered For Emergency Dental Cases

When it comes to dental emergencies, immediate care and treatment are crucial. At Forest Manor Dental, our team offers a comprehensive range of services to address various urgent dental needs. Here are some of the services we provide for emergency dental cases

Immediate Pain Relief

We understand the unbearable nature of dental pain. Our emergency dentists are dedicated to providing immediate pain relief for severe toothaches or any dental discomfort. Swift intervention ensures your rapid alleviation, setting you on the path to recovery promptly. Our team prioritizes your comfort, working efficiently to relieve pain and restore your overall oral well-being.

Temporary Repairs And Restorations

For chipped or broken teeth, our emergency dentists offer temporary repairs and restorations. These interim solutions safeguard the affected tooth until a more permanent resolution is implemented. We prioritize your immediate dental needs, providing swift, effective temporary measures to protect your oral health while preparing for more extensive, long-term solutions.

Trauma And Injury Management

Accidents leading to dental trauma or injuries, such as a chipped tooth, demand management. Our dentists will assess the damage extent and provide the necessary treatments for comprehensive smile restoration. Whether addressing trauma-related issues or determining the need for extraction, our team manages injuries, ensuring your comfort throughout procedures and offering post-treatment care instructions for optimal healing.

Immediate Care For Knocked-Out Teeth

When a tooth is knocked out, time sensitivity is crucial. Our dentists prioritize immediate care to increase the chances of successful re-implantation. Handling the tooth with care, we provide timely treatment to save your natural tooth whenever possible. We focus on preserving your dental integrity and ensuring optimal outcomes for knocked-out teeth.

Emergency Extractions With Care

Severe damage or infection may necessitate emergency extractions, a procedure our dentists perform with precision and care. To ensure your comfort during the extraction process, our team prioritizes your well-being. Post-extraction, we provide appropriate aftercare instructions, supporting a smooth healing process and addressing any concerns you may have.

Broken Or Chipped Teeth Treatment

When faced with a chipped tooth emergency, our staff conduct a thorough examination to assess the extent of the damage. Depending on the severity, treatment options, such as dental bonding, veneers, or dental crowns, are explored. We prioritize minimally invasive techniques, preserving natural tooth structure whenever possible. With precision and care, our chipped tooth emergency dentist aims to deliver swift and effective solutions, ensuring restoration of both function and aesthetics.

Bleeding And Soft Tissue Injuries

Injuries to gums or soft tissues often result in bleeding and discomfort. Our dentists address these concerns, providing necessary treatments to stop bleeding and promote healing. We prioritize comprehensive care, addressing both dental and soft tissue injuries to ensure your overall oral health and well-being.

Severe Toothaches And Infections

Severe toothaches and infections demand immediate attention due to their intense pain. Our emergency dentists assess the cause of your discomfort and provide appropriate treatment to alleviate pain and address underlying issues. We focus on prompt intervention to relieve your suffering and restore your oral health, ensuring effective and immediate care for severe toothaches and infections.


When you're faced with a dental emergency, our team is here to help. Contact us immediately if you're experiencing a dental emergency, such as a chipped tooth. We will provide the prompt and effective care you need to restore your oral health and alleviate your discomfort.

Why Choose Us For Your Emergency Care?

Experiencing a dental emergency can be a distressing and painful situation. That's why it's crucial to choose an emergency dentist in North York who can provide you with the care and attention you need. We are here to handle your dental emergencies and offer prompt and effective solutions.

Experienced Emergency Dentists

We are proud to feature a team of dentists who can handle any emergency dental problems. We extend to handling diverse dental emergencies, including chipped tooth incidents, ensuring patients receive good care. With a wealth of skills, our emergency dentists instill confidence and assurance, guiding patients through urgent situations with competence.

State-Of-The-Art Facilities

We take pride in our state-of-the-art facilities equipped with advanced technology. Our modern equipment empowers us to accurately diagnose and treat dental emergencies. The commitment to utilizing cutting-edge technology underscores our dedication to providing great solutions.

Patient-Centric Approach

Recognizing the overwhelming nature of dental emergencies, particularly chipped tooth incidents, we adopt a patient-centric approach to emergency care. Our compassionate team creates a welcoming environment, focusing on patient comfort, addressing concerns, and providing reassurance throughout the entire treatment process. We prioritize the emotional well-being of our patients, making their experience as positive and supportive as possible.

Comprehensive Emergency Dental Services

Forest Manor Dental's emergency dental clinic in North York offers a comprehensive range of services to address various urgent dental needs. From dental bonding and veneers to dental crowns, our treatments aim to restore oral health effectively. We understand the urgency of dental emergencies, and our diverse services cater to a spectrum of issues, ensuring prompt and comprehensive care for our patients.

Timely And Same-Day Appointments

Understanding the urgency of dental emergencies, we prioritize immediate attention and strive to provide same-day treatment whenever possible. We ensure that patients experiencing emergencies, including chipped tooth incidents, receive timely and efficient service. Our commitment to prompt appointments underscores our dedication to addressing urgent dental concerns promptly and effectively.

Advanced Pain Management

Acknowledging the often accompanying pain of dental emergencies, we prioritize patient comfort. Our pain management techniques are designed to alleviate symptoms effectively, ensuring that patients undergoing emergency dental care experience as little discomfort as possible. We focus on making the process as pain-free as we can, contributing to a positive and supportive emergency dental experience.

Transparent And Affordable Services

We believe in making quality emergency dental care accessible to everyone. We offer transparent and affordable services, ensuring patients receive the necessary care without financial strain. Our commitment to affordability underscores our dedication to the well-being of our patients, making emergency dental care accessible and stress-free.

Immediate Assistance And Schedule Shifting

Understanding that dental emergencies don't adhere to regular office hours, we provide immediate assistance and offer schedule shifting for our patients. Our commitment to accessibility ensures that patients have access to emergency care whenever the need arises, promoting peace of mind during challenging situations. Our support is a testament to our dedication to being there for our patients whenever they require urgent dental assistance.


When it comes to your dental emergency, don't wait until the problem gets worse. Choose Forest Manor Dental as your North York emergency dentist and trust us to handle your dental emergencies. Your oral health is our priority, and we are committed to providing you with dental care when you need it most.

Our Approach to Treating Dental Emergencies

At Forest Manor Dental, we understand that dental emergencies can be stressful and overwhelming. That's why our approach to treating dental emergencies is centered around providing rapid, efficient, and effective care.

  • We prioritize the swift assessment and diagnosis of dental emergencies. Our emergency dentists will conduct thorough examinations, swiftly identifying the underlying cause of your dental issue. This rapid assessment allows us to formulate a targeted treatment plan, ensuring timely intervention and effective resolution of your emergency situation. We understand the urgency of dental concerns and strive to provide quick and precise diagnoses, laying the foundation for prompt and personalized care.

  • Following a swift diagnosis, our team promptly intervenes to alleviate pain, prevent further damage, and restore your oral health. Recognizing the urgency of dental emergencies, we ensure immediate action to address your specific issue. Our commitment to swift and targeted intervention aims at minimizing discomfort, expediting recovery, and providing you with comprehensive care during critical moments, fostering optimal oral health outcomes.

  • Our team prioritizes the use of minimally invasive techniques to treat dental emergencies. Whether addressing a chipped tooth emergency or another urgent issue, we are trained to employ conservative approaches. Our focus is on preserving your natural teeth and minimizing discomfort during emergency procedures. By embracing minimally invasive methods, we aim to provide effective and efficient care while prioritizing your comfort and the preservation of your overall oral health.

  • Understanding that dental emergencies often involve pain and discomfort, we prioritize your comfort. Our advanced pain relief strategies, including local anesthesia and sedation dentistry, ensure a pain-free experience during emergency treatments. Leveraging these tools and our expertise, we strive to alleviate your symptoms effectively, fostering a more comfortable and stress-free environment for patients undergoing emergency dental care.

  • Our commitment to your oral health extends beyond emergency treatment. We provide comprehensive follow-up care to monitor your progress, address any concerns or complications, and ensure a successful recovery. Our dedicated team offers guidance on post-treatment care and preventive measures, empowering you to maintain optimal oral health. Through thorough follow-up care, we aim to support your ongoing well-being and address any evolving dental needs, fostering a lasting partnership in your dental care journey.

    When you choose us as your emergency dentist in North York, you can rest assured that you will be in a comfortable and supportive environment. Trust us to handle your dental emergencies and provide prompt, efficient, and effective treatment.

Benefits of Immediate Emergency Dental Care

When a dental emergency strikes, seeking immediate care from an emergency dentist can make a significant difference in the outcome of your oral health. Immediate emergency dental care offers numerous benefits that can help alleviate pain, prevent further complications, and restore your oral function.

Preventing Further Complications

Timely intervention is crucial in dental emergencies to prevent escalation and more extensive damage. Seeking immediate care can curtail the worsening of the problem, enabling your emergency care provider to address the issue early on. This proactive approach minimizes the risk of complications, safeguarding the health of your teeth and gums while avoiding the need for more invasive treatments in the future.

Reducing Pain And Discomfort

Dental emergencies often bring intense pain and discomfort. An emergency dental care provider promptly offers immediate pain relief and symptom alleviation. Emergency dental care is tailored to provide swift relief, ensuring you experience greater comfort during treatment. Seeking prompt attention not only addresses the underlying issue but also prioritizes your well-being, offering relief from pain and discomfort associated with dental emergencies.

Preserving Natural Teeth

Immediate intervention frequently contributes to preserving your natural teeth during dental emergencies. Whether repairing a chipped tooth or reattaching a knocked-out tooth, emergency dental care aims to save your natural teeth whenever possible. The urgency of seeking treatment increases the likelihood of preserving your teeth, minimizing the need for more invasive procedures in the future.

Enhancing Treatment Effectiveness

Dental emergencies demand timely and targeted treatment for optimal effectiveness. Promptly scheduling an emergency dentist appointment enables timely intervention, allowing your dentist to address the issue before it progresses. The swift treatment enhances the success rate of emergency dental procedures, promoting a faster recovery and reducing the risk of complications associated with delayed care.

Restoring Oral Function Quickly

Dental emergencies can disrupt your ability to chew, speak, and perform daily activities. Immediate emergency dental care focuses on restoring your oral function swiftly, addressing issues such as fixing a broken tooth or treating an abscess. The goal is to expedite the restoration of your ability to use your mouth comfortably and effectively, facilitating a return to normalcy in your daily life.

Preventing Spread Of Infections

Severe tooth infections and abscesses in dental emergencies pose risks of bacterial spread to other body parts. Seeking immediate dental care is crucial to prevent the infection from spreading and causing more severe health issues. Your emergency dental provider delivers timely treatment to eliminate the infection, promoting healing, and mitigating the potential complications associated with the spread of infections. Early intervention safeguards your overall health and well-being.

By understanding the benefits of immediate emergency dental care, you can prioritize seeking prompt treatment when a dental emergency occurs. Remember, time is of the essence, and scheduling an urgent appointment can ensure that you receive the necessary care to protect your oral health and well-being.

Advanced Technology And Techniques We Use

At Forest Manor Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with advanced technology and techniques to handle their dental emergencies. When it comes to chipped tooth emergencies or any other urgent dental issue, we utilize state-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge techniques.

Digital Imaging For Precision Diagnosis

We employ advanced digital imaging technology to capture high-resolution images of your teeth and jaw, offering a detailed view of problem areas. This technology facilitates accurate diagnosis of dental emergencies, allowing our team to develop precise treatment plans. By quickly identifying the extent of damage, we can determine the optimal course of action for repairing chipped teeth or addressing other urgent dental issues with efficiency and precision.

Dental Bonding For Minimally Invasive Repairs

In chipped tooth emergencies, we utilize minimally invasive dental bonding techniques. This procedure involves applying a tooth-colored resin to the chipped tooth and shaping it to match the natural contours. Dental bonding restores both function and aesthetics seamlessly, providing a durable solution. Our commitment to minimally invasive approaches ensures effective repairs while preserving the integrity of your natural tooth structure.

Veneers For Comprehensive Transformations

For more extensive damage or larger chips, we may recommend veneers. These thin shells, crafted from porcelain or composite resin, are custom-made to fit over the front surface of your tooth. Veneers offer a transformative solution, completely covering chips and providing a natural-looking smile. This advanced technique not only restores the appearance of your tooth but also enhances overall aesthetics, ensuring a durable and aesthetically pleasing outcome for your chipped tooth emergency.


At Forest Manor Dental, we are dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in emergency dental care. By using advanced technology and techniques, we can provide our patients with fast and effective solutions for their dental emergencies, including chipped tooth emergencies. Trust us to handle your dental emergencies and restore your oral health.

Get Fast And Effective Emergency Dental Care With Us

At Forest Manor Dental, we understand that emergencies can happen at any time, and we prioritize your urgent dental needs. If you find yourself facing a dental emergency, you may be wondering, can you go to a different dentist for an emergency? The answer is yes. While we are dedicated to providing fast and effective care, we recognize that circumstances may lead you to seek assistance elsewhere.

Contact Info                  

(647) 350-6683


Monday: 10:00am - 07:00pm
Tuesday: 10:00am - 07:00pm
Wednesday:  09:00am - 06:00pm
Thursday: 10:00am - 07:00pm
Friday: 09:00am - 06:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 04:00pm
Sunday: Closed

70 Forest Manor Road, retail #2-3
Toronto, ON, M2J 0A9


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